Link to TIM4biz

Simple text link

  1. Paste this simple HTML code in your page

  2. On your web page the link will look like the text below and will open a new web browser so your visitors will not leave your web site. 
    TIM4biz Call Accounting

Descriptive text link

Refresh the page for a different version

  1. Paste this simple HTML code in your page

  2. On your web page the link will look like the text below and will open a new web browser so your visitors will not leave your web site.
    Producing a cloud computing solution is not just a matter of slapping a web interface on to a legacy application. TIM4biz hosted call accounting is the real hosted call accounting software.

Button link - standard 88 x 31 pixel image

  1. Save the image

    TIM4biz Call Accounting

    Please copy the image and use it on your own site. This will improve the load time of your page and protect you when the image is renamed or moved on our website. On most web browsers you can copy an image by right clicking the mouse button over the image and selecting "Save Picture As..." or "Save Image As..."
  2. Paste this simple HTML code in your page

  3. On your web page the link will look like the image above and will open a new web browser so your visitors will not leave your web site.

Icon link - standard 32 x 32 pixel image

  1. Save the image

    TIM4biz Call Accounting

    Please copy the image and use it on your own site. This will improve the load time of your page and protect you when the image is renamed or moved on our website. On most web browsers you can copy an image by right clicking the mouse button over the image and selecting "Save Picture As..." or "Save Image As..."
  2. Paste this simple HTML code in your page

  3. On your web page the link will look like the image above and will open a new web browser so your visitors will not leave your web site.

Icon link - standard 64 x 64 pixel image

  1. Save the image

    TIM4biz Call Accounting

    Please copy the image and use it on your own site. This will improve the load time of your page and protect you when the image is renamed or moved on our website. On most web browsers you can copy an image by right clicking the mouse button over the image and selecting "Save Picture As..." or "Save Image As..."
  2. Paste this simple HTML code in your page

  3. On your web page the link will look like the image above and will open a new web browser so your visitors will not leave your web site.

Call accounting video

  1. Paste this simple HTML code in your page

  2. On your web page the link will look like the text below and will open a new web browser so your visitors will not leave your web site. 
    Welcome to the real world of TIM4biz

Product link - call accounting

  1. Paste this simple HTML code in your page

  2. On your web page the link will look like the text below and will open a new web browser so your visitors will not leave your web site. 
    TIM4biz call accounting

Product link - digital signage

  1. Paste this simple HTML code in your page

  2. On your web page the link will look like the text below and will open a new web browser so your visitors will not leave your web site. 
    TIM4biz digital signage